Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Worlds of Mani Galdrskald

The previous post was an intro to the blog itself, and an explanation of it's purpose, so I guess this one will be an intro to myself and my work. Firstly, Mani Galdrskald is totally not my real name. It's a pseudonym. It's Norse and means roughly "moon song-poet". Nifty, eh? I'm one of those "Furry" people. If you wanna run away screaming now, I'll understand. I'm also gay (penis is <3) and a Heathen. Well, sort of. I've gotta say I don't believe in deities literally, but as a culture, modern heathenry is pretty awesome. I also "believe in" the Greek goddess Eris as a Discordian fnord. I'm kind of an offensive bastard. I feel that's mostly other people's problem though. I don't mean to offend specific people, but my sense of humor can be pretty wrong. I'm currently between work and school, trying to get into college as well as pick myself up off the floor from some kinda depression. I'm also a writer/artist like a motherfucker. See below.

I've got about 3 or 4 different continuities that could be called their own "world". The first is the world of Nerthus (also the name of the planet in that world), comprising 2 interrelated realities and the stories currently known as Mythos, RL, and Future. It has 2 other species besides humanity: the Lykoi and the Shekki. Lykoi are pretty much just hippy telepathic furries, and the Shekki are a species of gecko/kangaroo/lion/horse/dolphin ...things. Human and Lykoi cultures have merged almost completely into a race called Lukans. Mythos takes place in a fantasy oriented reality and is based in many different mythologies and is pretty much where I stick my more far out fantasy bits. The stories are based mostly around a human-shekki hybrid named Kaenag and his family, friends, and enemies. There are a few asides to focus on the history of the world as well. RL is based in the sci-fi oriented reality, but other than that is a mirror of Mythos. It focuses more on the theoretical science behind stuff. It has pretty much the same characters. Future is based in, well, the future of that world, and is a series where the Mythos and RL realities have merged into one, with a doubled population. It follows a certain character from RL who has been being kept alive for millenia because of some stuff that his fantasy world double could do. The Nerthus stories were pretty much my first real cohesive idea and are my biggest body of work and the ones that I "care" most about.

The other series, which have their own story worlds are:
DevilAngel, set in a world pretty much like our own but with supernatural entities roaming about.
Cycle of the Moon, set in a world where werewolves exist.
An as of yet unnamed series centering around the Norse religion and time travel. It revolves around some guy who's lost his memory and a psychiatrist treating him. And there's gayness. And Vikings. Yeah.
I've also got a few small things, like this one bit about two gay minotaurs and their lesbian roommate. They fight crime. Their enemy is called Gayface, and can change other people's sexuality at his whim. See what I was saying about being kinda offensive?

Subsequent posts will flesh out a lot of this stuff. There'll even be some pics. Rejoice.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely set and a deep, open0-world background is what people want these days. And you've just accomplished that. Nice work, buddy.
